Erin Sellers

Erin Sellers

Dental Hygienist

I’m Erin Sellers, and I’ve been brightening smiles at DeForest Dental for more than 25 years. This was the first office I interviewed with after dental hygiene school, and I’m so glad they offered me the job. It’s been a fantastic journey!  If you’re wondering how I ended up in the dental field, well, let’s just say my aversion to math played a significant role.  

I’m the voice you’ll hear when you call our office, and the friendly face that greets you when you walk through the door. My favorite part of the job? Catching up with all our patients. It’s like a mini family reunion every day! I love hearing about your kids, your grandkids, and how your garden’s doing this year.

 And if you’re feeling a bit anxious about your visit, don’t worry – I’ve got a prescription for that: one dose of Valium and a sprinkle of my witty charm ought to do the trick!

 Now, if you’re wondering what I love most about our DeForest Dental team, I’ve got two words for you: Water. Pik. Seriously, it’s a game-changer. Just ask any of us here, we’re all a bit obsessed.

What I love most about working here is our close-knit, family-like atmosphere. Dr. DeForest sets the tone with his kind, easygoing personality. But don’t let the relaxed vibe fool you – he’s a true professional who always delivers top-quality care.

When I’m not orchestrating dental appointments or evangelizing about oral hygiene tools, you might catch me signing a tune. I love to sing!  Outside the office, you’ll find me cheering at my kids’ sports events, enjoying their band concerts, curled up with a good book, or spending time with friends. It’s all about balance, right?

Erin Seller's Family
Erin Seller's Family